• Legal Advisor & Integrity Office Universiti Malaysia Perlis

    Pejabat Penasihat Undang-Undang Dan Integriti Universiti Malaysia Perlis

Our Activities

Here are our recent activities

  • Strategic Planning Workshop

    Strategic Planning Workshop

    Strategic planning is the art of creating specific bussiness strategies, implementing them and evaluating the results of executing the plan in regard to a company's overall long-term goals or desires.

  • Integrity and Accountability Seminar

    Integrity and Accountability Seminar

    Learning the true meaning behind accountability which is being answerable for an action and integrity which is the choice to commit to honesty.

  • Bengkel Penyelarasan Prosedur MoU/MoA

    Bengkel Penyelarasan Prosedur MoU/MoA

    This workshop seeks to coordinate university-level MoU/MoA procedures including the Vice Chancellor's Office, the Registrar's Department, the Deputy Vice Chancellor's Offices, the International Engagement Center and the Industry Cooperation Division, as well as government agencies.

  • Seminar Integriti Dan Akauntabiliti Dalam Kalangan Penjawat Awam Siri 2021, Siri 1

    Seminar Integriti Dan Akauntabiliti Dalam Kalangan Penjawat Awam Siri 2021, Siri 1

    This seminar was organised by the Legal & Integrity Advisory Office in an effort to instill university employees with the integrity necessary to uphold the public trust and authority without misusing it for personal advantage

  • Taklimat Kaedah Penyeteman Duti Setem

    Taklimat Kaedah Penyeteman Duti Setem

    This briefing is necessary since stamp duty settlement is completed online and requires a registered admin agent.

    Each Ptj/faculty must appoint at least one administrative agent for stamp duty purposes.

  • Bengkel Pemurnian Prosedur MoU/ MoA 2.0

    Bengkel Pemurnian Prosedur MoU/ MoA 2.0

    This workshop is a continuation of the MoU/MoA Procedures Coordination Workshop, which was held on March 4, 2021, to update the Rules for Signing University Memorandums and Agreements (Procedures) (2020), where changes to the existing MoU/MoA processes were made.

  • Lawatan Kerja Ke Pejabat Perundangan Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)

    Lawatan Kerja Ke Pejabat Perundangan Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)

    • The purpose of this business trip is to discuss the University's legislation, rules, and regulations.
    • The purpose of this workshop was to further enhance the governance in the PUU&I Office so that the staff's working techniques, passion, and confidence may be reinvigorated for the sake of efficient work processes.

  • Taklimat “Panduan Mengurus Pegawai Tidak Hadir Bertugas”

    Taklimat “Panduan Mengurus Pegawai Tidak Hadir Bertugas”

    Give information regarding the methods and measures that can be taken against absent employees.

  • Seminar “Tanah Universiti Awam Berstatus Hakmilik Pesuruhjaya Tanah Persekutuan (PTP)

    Seminar “Tanah Universiti Awam Berstatus Hakmilik Pesuruhjaya Tanah Persekutuan (PTP)

    This seminar aims to increase understanding and knowledge regarding laws, regulations, and governance in the use of UniMAP lands owned by the Federal Land Commissioner among UniMAP staff and officers, particularly those from PTj/ Departments directly involved in activities involving the use of land and building premises at UniMAP.

  • Taklimat “Ponteng Kerja: Apa Kesannya?” Siri II

    Taklimat “Ponteng Kerja: Apa Kesannya?” Siri II

    Due to popular demand, Series II was held for those executive staff members who were previously unable to attend the briefing.

  • Taklimat Keberhutangan Serius

    Taklimat Keberhutangan Serius

    This seminar was organized to raise awareness and provide information to all UniMAP members about the consequences of being labelled as having substantial indebtedness.

  • Seminar “Integriti Dan Tatacara Kerja Luar Dan Memiliki Syarikat Sendiri”

    Seminar “Integriti Dan Tatacara Kerja Luar Dan Memiliki Syarikat Sendiri”

    This seminar is necessary to increase civil servants' understanding and knowledge of laws, regulations, and governance pertaining to doing outside work or owning a business, as well as the conditions that must be met prior to being permitted to do outside work and the responsibilities that must be assumed by all parties involved.

  • Peranan dan Tanggungjawab Ketua Jabatan Dalam Permohonan Staf Melakukan Pekerjaan Luar dan Pemantauan Ke Atas Staf Dalam Aspek Keberhutangan.

    Peranan dan Tanggungjawab Ketua Jabatan Dalam Permohonan Staf Melakukan Pekerjaan Luar dan Pemantauan Ke Atas Staf Dalam Aspek Keberhutangan.

    The Head of the Department is responsible for approving employment applications from outside sources, monitoring the performance of the staff, and additionally taking into consideration the aspect of staff indebtedness.

  • Seminar Tatatertib “Tidak Hadir Bertugas Untuk Staf Akademik”

    Seminar Tatatertib “Tidak Hadir Bertugas Untuk Staf Akademik”

    Give explanations relating to the implications that would result from your absence from duty.

  • Pelancaran University Legal Documentation System (UniLEGAL) di Majlis Amanat Naib Canselor 2023

    Pelancaran University Legal Documentation System (UniLEGAL) di Majlis Amanat Naib Canselor 2023

    With the help of the Digital Management and Development Center and the full backing of the Deputy Vice Chancellor, the PUU Office has developed a system for archiving all consultation documents and tracking MoU/MoA activities (Research and Innovation).

  • Kunjungan Hormat Penasihat Undang-Undang beserta pegawai-pegawai.

    Kunjungan Hormat Penasihat Undang-Undang beserta pegawai-pegawai.

    This visit aimed to exchange ideas and opinions regarding eradicating corruption, abuse of power, and malpractice based on the principles of independence, transparency, and professionalism.

  • Program Pengukuhan Integriti Sempena Sambutan Ihya’ Ramadan

    Program Pengukuhan Integriti Sempena Sambutan Ihya’ Ramadan

    2nd UniMAP Anti-Corruption Committee Meeting Bill 2/2022 requires the University to implement a program aimed at bolstering the integrity of University citizens. Aiming to raise awareness of the significance of upholding high levels of integrity as a public servant.

  • Lawatan Kerja Ke Bahagian Perundangan dan Unit Integriti Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) dan Bengkel Pelan Strategik Pejabat Penasihat Undang-undang dan Integriti (Pejabat PUU)

    Lawatan Kerja Ke Bahagian Perundangan dan Unit Integriti Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) dan Bengkel Pelan Strategik Pejabat Penasihat Undang-undang dan Integriti (Pejabat PUU)

  • Taklimat "Pengenalan Kepada Seksyen 17A Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah. Malaysia (SPRM) 2009 (Liabiliti Korporat)"

    Taklimat "Pengenalan Kepada Seksyen 17A Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah. Malaysia (SPRM) 2009 (Liabiliti Korporat)"

  • Penyerahan Laporan Tahunan 2022 Pejabat Penasihat Undang-Undang & Integriti

    Penyerahan Laporan Tahunan 2022 Pejabat Penasihat Undang-Undang & Integriti

    The submission of the 2022 Annual Report of the Legal and Integrity Advisory Office of Universiti Malaysia Perlis to UniMAP Vice Chancellor YBhg. Prof. Dato' Ts. Dr. Zaliman bin Sauli at the Vice Chancellor's Office.

  • Bengkel Pembangunan Pelan Anti Rasuah Organisasi (Organisational Anti Corruption Plan) [OACP] Universiti Malaysia Perlis

    Bengkel Pembangunan Pelan Anti Rasuah Organisasi (Organisational Anti Corruption Plan) [OACP] Universiti Malaysia Perlis